But if you whine sometimes, you might find the person posts a blog anyway just the quiet the unruly.
Wait, that doesn't rhyme.
So, I've been working today on producing a deck--in my language, that means creating a PowerPoint document of talking points as the flow for a huge business meeting I have all-day Wednesday and Thursday. So don't bother clamoring for blogging on those days; I'll likely be wiped and not want to look at a computer until I log in for work on Friday.
Caught up on my sleep on Saturday. Tom let me sleep till 1pm, which is a rare, rare occurrence with a baby in the house. Unfortunately, I got caught up by some side effects to my antibiotic which were, um, er, highly unpleasant, shall we say. I would up lying down at 6pm, waiting for the waves to pass, and feel asleep again till about 930. So Saturday was a lost day.
Sunday was better. Woke up at 830, and I meant to get a jump on the day with a run to Costco and maybe some baking. Instead, I spent the day cuddling Christopher. He got his shots on Friday, and was rather subdued. Of course, with five different diseases coursing through his veins building antibodies, I can understand the sluggishness.
Despite not feeling up to snuff, CJ did manage to master climbing up and down off the couch on his own and to learn a new word--big toe! First, he came up to the couch and bit my big toe, then he climbed up and grabbed his feet to pull his big toes into his mouth. I grabbed them and wiggled them, saying, "Big toe!" and he repeated, "Bih doe!"
He even remembered this morning, as I was putting his shoes on his feet. He yelled, "Bih doe!" and pulled his foot to his mouth. Of course, he got a mouthful of sneaker leather, but that didn't seem to faze him much.
Today, I got up after several smacks of the snooze button, went to work, produced my deck--and now I'm home, making dinner and posting about absolutely nothing. Hopefully, I'll come up with some better stuff later, but at least I posted.
1 day ago
Yay! bih doe posted!
That's so exciting!! I wonder why we stop putting our toes in our mouths.
Probably because toe jam doesn't taste very good.
I have a baby picture of Jamie at about 4 months sitting in Mom's lap. He's slumped over chewing on his foot, drooling happily like it's the best tasting thing in the world.
Jenn, that's because the foot had jam on it.
Becky, this post warn't bout absolutely nothin. Yore young-un learnt a new word. That is asbolutely somethin!
I sucked on big toes till I was about 5--mainly because I could.
They say kids pickup on words for things that interest them. So far, we have mama, dada, kee-kat, bubble, bih doe!, Hi, and Bye.
Last night, we took him in the backyard to play after sunset, and he waved to all the airplanes, saying, "Bye!"
Sorry, I just had the irrational urge to yell, "Bih doe!"
Since that would get me some odd looks at work, I do it here. Bih doe!
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