Since I didn't answer the phone when Jenn called yesterday, I thought I'd head off the singing at the pass.
I'm sick. Tom and I were both sick with stomach bugs last weekend, then the flu hit this week. It hit Tom about midweek, and I came down with it badly yesterday, despite my best efforts at fighting it off with tea, Airborne, and some homeopathic medicine called Oscillo-something that's supposed to lessen the impact and shorten the duration of flu symptoms. It may have worked, and if it did, that's scary. I had one of the worst headaches ever yesterday taking over my entire sinus cavity. Dude. Horrible! I don't know about the 1-10 scale of pain, but this one fluctuated between "Holy Sh!t." to "F*&k me!" most of the day. Combine that with the fever hovering around 102 despite fever reducers, and I was laid low.
Today, the headache has dialed down but has me scared. The fever is under 100, but not much. I'm waiting for everything to kick in, but we'll see how today goes. Yet another exciting, relaxing weekend in our household. Thank goodness CJ seems unaffected, judging by the amount of energy he's currently exerting tossing a hat around the living room.
The Toughest Case
19 hours ago
Sweetie, I'm sorry you are sick. If I were in Goodyear, I'm make you some chicken soup. But I'm not there, I'm just here in Georgetown, so I'll just pray that you feel better soon. Love you.
Thanks! We feel much better after a few days of rest, and I'm glad we staggered the illness to have time to take care of each other. I made some ravioli last night, trying to crack the Chef Boyardee code since that's what I really wanted, and same pretty darned close. So, back to work with us tomorrow!
And chicken soup sounds awesome! I made some last weekend when Tom was getting over his stomach bug, right before I came down with it.
I'm glad you're all better. CJ needed his mommy and daddy to be well when HE comes down with this bug. Love you.
I'm sorry you were sick, but I'm glad you're feeling somewhat human again! Eat the chicken soup anyway!
Love ya big bunches!
Do you realize that your euphemism beginning in "F" and ending in "me!" is a hyperlink in your blog text? When you click on it, it offers to send an e-mail to someone named "F@k". How funny is that!
Yeah, I used an @ instead of an * the first time, and it thought I was doing an email address. Have to love the HTML Auto Bots!
I'd sure love 'em more if I knew how to use them. Hey, I found a great, great candy at Kroger's last night--it's the Hershey's kisses, in special dark, with coffee added! Can't tell you how much I liked them!
Coffee is ambrosia.
I bet those would be awesome!
And Tooz is prescient, since I had to bring CJ home early from daycare on Tuesday because of a fever of 102. I got him home and got some Motrin and some diluted Gatorade into him, and he picked up his normal activity of running through the house, yelling at the kitties.
I kept him home yesterday, and he was fine--no fever, full of energy, although he did sleep a few extra hours in the morning. He was very happy to go back to daycare today.
I don't think Tom and I had the flu, though. When I returned to work Monday, I heard there's a virus going around that has flu-like symptoms and comes on fast, but lasts less than half the time.
Instead of giving birth to Athena, could you give birth to a new blog post? LOL! You knew I was going to start nagging eventually, didn't you?
No fair! Been sick!
Dirty pool.
Well, you're feeling better now, right? So get bloggin! LOL! Just kidding. Enjoy your shopping with your friend Jay (or is it Jae?) today! Hah! That rhymed!
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