You know how on Friends, they had the one about the laminated list of your five "freebies"--the five people that if you ever met them, regardless of your current marital status, you'd get a pass?
Well, Keith Olbermann is on my list.
Wanna know why? Check this out and see.
The Toughest Case
18 hours ago
He just became number one on my list of people to applaud. Not so sure I'd add him to my list of "freebies", though.
I know, the freebies are precious things. But I am willing to give up one of those spots for Olbermann. He just rocks on so many levels--and he's a damned good looking man, to boot.
That freebie would not be wasted.
So just exactly what is the meaning of a freebie? Is it something I would approve of?
Somehow, I don't think so, Tooz. LOL!
A "freebie" indicates a free pass from your significant other to have very intimate relations with one of five people of your choosing. Most typically these are celebrities whom an average-Jame or Joe has no chance in heck of ever being in such a situation with. That's a "freebie".
I think on the episode, Ross had a laminated list, crossed someone off because Rachel asked, then ran into the person and was upset because he got his chance, but she was off the list. I don't remember, I don't watch the show that often since they seem to repeat the same six episodes.
But that's the idea--you get to choose five people that you could be with regardless of marital status, no strings attached, no consequences. My list isn't laminated, though--it isn't even written down since it seems to be constantly evolving. For right now, I have Keith Olbermann, George Clooney, and Alton Brown, and an actual person I knew but won't name. Jen could probably figure it out. My last slot is currently unfilled.
And for curious minds, yes, Tom has his own list. The list doesn't work unless it's mutual agreement--not on the slotholders, but the list existence itself.
And yeah, I'm guessing Tooz wouldn't approve. Maybe in theory, but she'd never make her own list :)
Would that person's name start with a "C"?
Nope, actually. Guess again!
I told you it wouldn't be that hard.
A-ha! My lasting impression of him is that he hated me, thought I was shallow and pretty much found me pretty contemptible. I think most of your friends felt that way about me in college. Then again, I was pretty messed up for a bit there, wasn't I?
(txesa - Texas, especially San Antonio is very hot this time of year)
I wouldn't worry about it. I think they felt the same way about me before I left. They probably feel badly about it now. Heck, we were all in our late teens, early 20s, thought we knew everything when we knew crap. Water under the bridge.
My one regret, though...not sucking it up and taking a chance. I love where I am now, don't get me wrong, but it's been over 10 years and I can't help but think we missed some real magic there.
I have mostly learned and am still in the process of learning that if you spend all your time wondering "what might have been" you wind up missing the joy and life you're living now. Make sense? Oh, and go check your e-mail! I sent you some stuff. Since you haven't written back yet, I must assume that you did a quick dash in to check e-mail then dashed right back out again.
Despite the fact that marriage is for life (at least in my book), there are still folks who would be on my list. They are real characters, not personalities. Ii think, though, that actually possessing the forbidden fruit would make it a lot less tempting.
Tooz--you put the finger right on it! It's kind of fun to think about, but the reality would be far less sweet, I'm sure.
And I'm with you--marriage is for life. Sounds crazy coming from me, since Tom and I lived together for 8 years, but I wanted to make sure I wanted to spend my life with him before we got married. It was better in my book to shack up for 20 years and walk away than to get married and divorce.
you know, i asked stu about his list once and he actually said "the cheetohs girl." what the eff?
anyway, that olbermann thing rocked. thanks for the link!
Cheetos girl? I remember the Doritos girl and I'd understand that, but who is the Cheetos girl?
Glad you enjoyed the article. I came across this today--think Rupert Murdoch is upset with Keith about his POV and harsh words about Fox News and Chris Wallace?
Okay, the only Cheetohs personality I'm familiar with is Chester Cheetah, and I don't EVEN want to go there, Suze! LOL! I bet you he meant the Doritos girl. LOL! RAOFLMAO at the mental image I have right now! :-)
RAOFLMAO--what does that mean?
Rolling all over the floor laughing It's the A that throws me.
Suze, next time Stu is feeling a bit amorous, you should tell him it ain't easy being cheesy!
You know what "A" stands for! It's that other word for donkey.
LOL, Becca! I'll never be able to watch those commercials again without laughing now.
(zeplaae - that's what the little dude used to say on Fantasy Island. "zeplaae, boss, zeplaae")
I meant the other A. I know that A. It's the rogue A that confuses me.
duh, must've been the doritos girl. whatever. i obviously don't watch that much tv. neither do i eat freakishly orange junk food. :)
Becca, this post is sooooooooooooo last month! Where y'at?
Oooh Ooohhh - speaking of the title of this post... I got a great suggestion for an episode title (nevermind that the show is now in syndication only). How about - "The one where Becca finally updates her blog"?
LOL! How are all the tummies in your household? Feeling better now?
Much better. First CJ, then Tom, then me. Dude, this weekend sucked. Why do I always get sick when I schedule a long weekend?
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