Boy, a gal gets busy with work and the next thing you know, the hounds are baying! No, I didn't hurt myself getting down from my soapbox. I just have a huge project report due on 9/1 and have been in meeting after meeting nailing down the information I need to get the report done. Then I can breathe for a couple weeks, and it starts all over with the next phase of the project. Typical stuff for me, and I won't bore you with details.
I did talk to a certain someone on the phone briefly today, though, and I'll recap--I'm fine.
Tom and I have been working on nesting. Odd, I know, since I'm not pregnant and have no plans to become so. We've just decided that our house isn't like a home, and we're trying to turn that around. I can see the floor of our den for the first time since we moved in. Also, Jay's sister went to college, and I used the opportunity to unload some clothes, a futon, two endtables, a folding bookcase, and a TV/Stereo stand that were taking up space in the house. I supposed I could have asked for cash in exchange, but since she and her brother drove out to my house in the burbs to load everything into their truck on a hot July day, just getting rid of it was payment enough.
The past few weekends have been spent brainstorming what the house should look like--getting organized, mainly, since I'm a packrat with little use for structure but under a great need to straighten things out. Work is stressful enough--my house doesn't need to stress me more, and things like filing bills and updating the car registration are not things that should slip. We have a full list of what we'd like to get, ideas on designing our den and CJ's room (CJ is ready for big boy furniture now), and some projects already underway. I've got one project done already! Took me a few weekends, but I cleaned out my kitchen and made it workable--I created one space for baking/prep work, another space for cooking and serving, and a smaller space for dirty dishes and washing them (instead of having pots and pans spread across my whole counter). I got smal but servicable cart for additional counter space when needed, and put up a dry-erase calendar and board and a cute bulletin board for noting groceries, to-do items, important dates, etc. I even hung up a few chrome baskets for pizza coupons, other papers, CJ's artwork from daycare, and whatever else I need handy. So far it's working very well, and it's made dinnertime much easier. Now, I have to clean out and reorganize my fridge and freezer--the freezer is bursting at the seams!
So we are deeply into the nesting. The idea is to spend a good deal of time making storage space, setting up systems, making things nice and comfortable, and then on weekends it shouldn't take too long to tidy up. Then we can relax and maybe even do stuff as a family! This is a good time for it, too, since it's too darned hot to go outside. Poor CJ, he wants to play outside almost every day, but he can't--not when it's still 100 degrees in the backyard and the patio blocks are hot enough to steam veggies.
Speaking of CJ, he started a new routine that has us completely baffled, but rather happy. Instead of kicking and screaming at bedtime each night, he now TELLS us, "Nigh-nigh!" and wanders off to his room. We make sure he has his blanket and his monkey and a book and a small toy, and put him in his crib. Then he'll tell us, "Bye!" and that's our cue to turn out the light and shut the door. He'll play for a bit, then falls asleep on his own. Unbelievable! I think part of it must be something he picked up at daycare. Another part could be that we got the futon and a couple odds and ends out of his room, so he can actually play in there. The biggest part, I think, is the feedback loop--we're finally getting to a point where he understands a good deal of what we say, and he's forming words to get across what he means. He knows "Nigh-Nigh" means bedtime--probably from us saying Goodnight or Night-night when we put him to bed. He's also learned how to get across that he wants more milk and how to let me know he's asking for something--"Mom? Moe?" while holding his cup out.
He can also quack like a duck and meow.
CJ started another new room at daycare this week, just zipping through the lower levels. He's now with several pre-2yos who are very active and working on potty training. The room is bigger than his previous rooms, with a climbing slide set inside and a larger toddler playset outside. There's also a huge pillow on the floor, perfect for running and making a good dive! He was a bit hesitant about the new room Monday morning--he held onto my shirt while I crouched next to him. One little girl who's been in every room with him since infancy came over to say hi, play with my work badge, and pat my hair. Then another little blonde girl I didn't know came over and handed CJ a giant stuffed fish. At that point, CJ didn't need me anymore. He had two cute blondes and big fish; what more could any little boy need?
I think that's about it for now. I'm sure as soon as I post I'll think of something highly amusing and kick myself and then promptly forget whatever it was, but oh, well. At least I've bought myself a small respite from the baying.
1 day ago
One word about nesting: flylady. Check it out. She really helps. Love you, and glad you didn't hurt yourself when you got off your high horse!
I agree. Although I'm having a hard time finding time just to READ the flylady system for each day....
Love ya. Call you on my lunch break today. Sorry I didn't call last night. I had to run and pick up supplies for work, then my friend Rachel and her daughter, Destiny, came over for supper (Pizza Rolls...yum) then I took my cough syrup and next thing I knew, it was morning!
I'll call today though.
I have to take my car into the shop and grab the courtesy shuttle back--if I don't answer, it's because I couldn't grab the shuttle in time.
Oh, is your car okay?
I want your baby to come to my house. (You and Tom can come too.) He sounds so awesome.
Your respite is over. It's now Monday, and time for you to blog again! LOL!
Barrroooooooooooooooooooooooo roof roooooooooooooooooooooooooof. Baawwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooo
(that's supposed to be me baying at you)
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